Monday 23 November 2015

Music, Not a Passion but a Lifestyle

Music is without a doubt, my absolute favorite thing in the entire world. Every aspect of it intrigues me, from the different beats & instruments, to waiting for new singles from your favorite artists or bands, and mostly my favorite; the lyrics that can make everybody feel. There are so many different emotions music can make you feel. Like the way a slower song tends to make you feel sad or relaxed, where as a faster tempo song can make you feel excited or happy. Those lyrics can sometimes also be life changing or lifesaving. For some people, music is all they have to get through a hard time so they take not just the lyrics seriously, but often times the artist or band where those lyrics came from. For some people their favorite bands or artist's have literally saved them from some extremely dark places. I know for me, music makes me forget about my problems, and has definitely helped me get through some dark situations. It’s just a wonderful thing to be able to listen to everyday.
I grew up on rock, country and some pop, but over the years my musical interest has broadened so far beyond those genres it’s crazy. Almost all types of music appeal to me because I believe that every genre has its own story, and I also like to think that through different genres and the stories within them, people can be united.  

Music has been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember. I was even singing all the words to Carolyn Dawn Johnson’s Complicated at two years old. I love to sing even though I’m often very shy about it. I just love the feeling I get when I’m singing, it’s a way for me to get lost in what I'm doing and forget about my problems. That’s why I try to listen to music that I can relate to, or that makes me think of a certain memory or emotion. I love music that makes me feel something inside and now it's become one of my favorite feelings to find a song that explains what I’m feeling or going through when I can’t even explain it myself.  

Another thing I love about music is the way it connects people. Through the internet and social media, fans can connect with and express their appreciation for their favorite bands or artist. On social media groups of fans are often referred to a fandom. You’ve probably heard of Beliebers (Justin Bieber fans), Directioners (One Direction fans), and Swifties (Taylor Swift fans), those are actually some of the most popular music fandoms known right now. The word fandom is supposedly the combination of the word fan and “dom” from the word kingdom. For some people, fandoms can almost give a sense of family feeling because they can connect with other people who share the same interest as them. For myself, I know that feeling apart of fandoms is great because I have different music interests than my friends so knowing there’s entire fandoms who share my love for the bands and artists I listen to is an awesome feeling for me.
Music will always be one my favorite things and I’m sure some of you feel the same way. What’s your opinion on music? Do you have any favorite bands or artists? 

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